How to make money online with your own website?

Are you looking for different types of income and growing your money flows? You might want to consider all the possibilities you can make money online with your website. Whether you already have a website or you still need to build one, the are plenty of options here. You can simply choose what works bests for you. Therefor I am going to tell you more about multiple ways you can have your own website making money for you without you having to sell stuff all the time. It should save you time on the long run and not be a dragging energy.

When you make money online with your own website, you’ll be able the build passive income streams. And with passive, I mean money stream you can scale easily. Because let’s face it, nothing grows if you are not willing to put some work into it. If you own your website, this can even be done a lot easier. For you are completely free of what you are willing to sell on there and you are not limited by any rules of the bigger sales website. Plus you can add multiple option on there. You do not have to keep it limited to just one. So let’s dive into the ways your website can make you money.

How to make money online with your own website by blogging

No matter what you might hear, it is still possible to make money with an online blog. You might have to be a bit more creative about it than let’s say only 2 years ago,  but it is still possible. When you have a successful blog on a specific topic, you draw a lot of audience to your website. Once that happens you should monetize your blog in ways that work for you. You might even find some inspiration in the other topics that are yet to come. The most well-known way of making money with your blog is having payed adds on your site. This is a choice of course, but I wouldn’t recommend using too many adds. Visit a blog yourself that is fully spammed with adds and consider if you keep reading. So do what works for you here.

If you decide to start a blog, pic a topic that you are interested in and is easy for you to write about. That is the only way you’ll keep working on it, because creating a blog asks for time and effort. You have to keep working on it for it to be successful. Do some necessary research before you pic a nice to write about. You don’t want to end up being a copycat who does the same like everybody else.

Want to start a blog, but you do not have website yet? Here is how you can learn to build a WordPress website.

Sell your own online courses

Since a couple of years, online programs are very up and coming. From small cheap programs on a specific topic, to long term commitments. You see them all. They can be a great way to earn extra income. You can choose a topic you know a lot about and make educational video’s where you teach other people to do something you do very well. Know that the more classes and the higher the price range of the program, the more input your online course will require. Bigger programs come with more marketing, customer support etc. Look at where your interest are and how far you are willing to take this as a business.


Are you designing geek? Than you might like this option. You can make money online with your website by selling templates. These templates can be for social media, e-books, newsletters, pinterest pins, etc. You name it. If you can think of it, you can sell it. And it is pretty easy to do. All you need is a program like Canva and you can design away.

You might like to check out the templates I am selling as an example. See my branding templates and social media templates

Build an affiliate website

When you sell affiliates, you basically promote other people’s products. Then you’ll receive a small commission when people who clicked on your link decide to make a purchase. If you have a huge audience, this can really add up. This type of monetizing your website will work really well with blogging, Youtube video’s and podcasts. Everything that allows you to have a big audience. Even though this can be lucrative in the future, in the beginning it won’t really add up. So selling affiliates is defiantly something you have to build credibility for in the future. People must like and believe in you, so they are willing to buy whatever you promote.

Also, I like to sell affiliates for products I actually use. Like my hosting company Namehero and my favourite website pagebuilder Elementor

Sell your services

This might be the obvious reason to have a website, but a lot of people still do not use their website as the ultimate selling machine it can be. As for an example, I sell website. And my website makes it as inviting as possible for people to buy these from me. That is how I can still generate new clients even when I am on holiday or something. Because I have automated the process so.

Do you have a particular skill that you would like to sell online through your website, but you have no idea where to start? You can take a look at my Build a website online course or you can let me make you a fully custom designed website.

Drop shipping

Just before Covid entered the world, drop shipping became a big hit. And it continued while the world went crazy. But now everything has seemed to slow down again. People are more likely to buy genuine products that are special than the standard Amazon stuff. That said, even with high quality stuff you can start a drop shipping business. Just make sure you show you are legit and know what you are selling. That makes it believable enough for people to buy from you.

Another way to do drop shipping is for example designing your own merchandise. If you have a fun idea and think that people are going to like it? Design it and have them printed on demand.

Paid adds

I have mentioned paid ads before when we were talking about blogging. Paid ads can be a good contribution to your blog and website. However, I wouldn’t add them just anywhere. They can go on the blog pages and be displayed in a way to make people curious but not overwhelm them. I would never add paid ads to the a page where I sell my own products or services.

Home made products

Is there something you really like making? Maybe you knit the most awesome sweaters or you are very good at wood crafting. Make an online shop out of them and sell them. Maybe you already have people in your environment that really like what you are making, so you know there is a market for them. Do not withhold the world your crafts. Sell them online on your own website.

Online shop

As a follow up from the precious subject, even when you are not a crafts person, you still might like to sell physical things. Maybe you love to sell make-up or designer candle sticks. In your online shop you can sell anything you like. You would have to have time though to send out everything you are selling. Make sure this matches your lifestyle as well.


Are you ready to build a website where can make money from? If you need some help on this subject, you can now download my Free Website Roadmap that shows you exactly where you need to start on your website journey.

Looking to keep reading? You might like this: How to build a WordPress website?

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