How to build your own website with WordPress
Are you looking for an easy way to build your own website? Maybe you have searched for a couple of options already. Chances are you have heard from WordPress before. WordPress is by far the most used platform to build your website all over the world. And there is a reason for that. WordPress provided you with all the options you need to grow your business. Now and in the future. The best part is, it often comes free with your hosting package.
How to start building your website in WordPress?
There can be several reasons why you would like to build your own website instead of hiring a designer to do the work for you. One of the reasons might be a small startup budget. You might even be wondering if you can build your website for free. That is not what we are talking about here, but we are trying to keep the costs as low as possible for you. Read here why we think a free website is not your best option.
The best way to start is at the beginning. You need to come up with a good domain name for your business and check if it is available. You can purchase your domain name with a hosting company of your choosing. Always look for a hosting company that has great reviews and offers good support. That is why we like to work with Namehero. (A hosting company makes sure your website has a place to live on the internet)
Intstalling WordPress to your website
Once you’ve got your domain and hosting covered it is time to install WordPress. Each hosting company has its own way to do that. It mostly happens on the Cpanel. Always make sure you install the most recent version and make your domain extra secure by choosing https://.
Then you are finally ready to enter the backend of your WordPress website. The backend might seem overwhelming at first. Just take your time to figure things out. You can start by installing a theme that you like and uploading your logo. Have you already choosen your branding?
Best page builder for your WordPress website
WordPress itself uses the block builder to build your website within a theme that you previously choose. But working like this has its limitations on what you can achieve. (You might like to read about the most common mistakes when building your own website) We use a different page builder for all of our websites called Elementor. This page builder is a plugin that you can install at the back end. And it provides you with a lot of options. Also it is very user friendly.
Now you can design every page you would like. The best thing about creating a website with WordPress yourself is that you can make it exactly like you have imagined it in your mind.
Does all of this sound a bit overwhelming to you? Then take a look at my website design course. Here you’ll learn how to set up your website step by step. You can save yourself a lot of time so you do not have to figure it out on your own.
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