How to create a coaching website?
The (online) coaching businesses are very high in demand at the moment. Whether you are a life, business, money, body etc. coach, you must be wondering how you can stand out in this already crowded market. Don’t get me wrong, because there is definitely a high demand for your special skills. And if you learn how to create a coaching website that stands out, you’ll attract your ideal client with a lot more ease. So let’s dive into the topics that will make your coaching website a great success.
Your coaching website starts with your hosting
A good hosting company is important to any website. One that has a great network and offers you support when it is required. For all of our clients, we like to use the hosting company Namehero and we are very pleased with the services they offer. So if you are still looking for a place to host your website, you might like to take them into consideration.
Your unique brand
The thing that is going to make the biggest difference on your coaching website is your unique brand. Your fonts and colors are the start of this, but your branding goes way beyond that. It is who you are and be in the world. What is it that makes you stand out? What qualities do you have that makes your business unique to others? If you can show that, you will truly stand out with your coaching website. Do you need a little help with this? We offer branding templates to help you with this.
The latest number is that about 60% of the visitors looks at your website from their phone. This means that you can design a truly awesome website on your desktop, but if it isn’t working right on a phone, people watching it from there won’t think you are serious about your business. A great and simple way to do that is to use the page builder Elementor Pro. They make is so easy to design a website on a normal desktop and then convert it to phone size. You can even make adjustments to it.
Use sales pages
People like to know what they are buying from you. They love to know if you are the right match for them and if your offer is exactly what they are looking for. A sales page can help you do this. The easiest thing to do is to use a template of an already converting sales page and make your own text on that. We offer such templates in our Design your own website course, where you’ll also learn all the technical stuff that needs to be implemented.
Win them over at the top of your home page
By now it is widely known that people will decide in the first 3 seconds if they are staying on your website. So the top of your homepage should let visitors know exactly what they can buy from you. If they like what they see in the first few seconds, they’ll take a closer look at your offer. So this beginning is the most important page of your website. It is the place where strangers become potential clients. How you can do that while you create your coaching website is what you can read in the next topic.
Connect with your customers pain points
Know who you would like to reach. Who is your ideal client? And don’t be afraid to niche down. One of the most commonly made mistakes is trying to speak to everyone. By trying to reach everyone, you do quite the opposite and reach no one. Know who your ideal client is, know their pains, know what they are struggling with and what they would like to achieve. Then use this information in the copy of your website.
If you are looking to DIY your own website or have one built for you, we can help you in both ways to create a coaching website. We offer a WordPress website course or the Ultimate website build for you. Check them out to see if they can be a contribution to your business.
Note: This page contains some affiliate links from the products we love to use. When you decide to make a purchase, we’ll receive a small fee for it which comes with no extra costs to you.
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