When you are starting your own business as a personal trainer, you are probably searching the web for options to have a website. But do websites for personal trainers actually require something different than any other website? What is important to keep in mind if you would like your personal trainer business to be a success? In this article, we are going to look at many of these questions and provide you when some required info.
As a personal trainer, you can work in different ways. Either we can find you in the gym all day long, or you are looking for more online opportunities as well. And either of these is important when it comes to your website. It is important to know what kind of lifestyle you have in mind when you have this business before you start building (or have it designed). Having this clarity can make the workload less and prevents you from doing the same things over and over again. So ponder over this question first: What would you like your business to look like? And what lifestyle would you like to have with this business?
What do online personal trainers need?
As you might understand, being an online personal trainer requires something different than the trainer standing in the gym all day. Websites for personal trainers online need to be their main selling machine as there is no close contact between you and your clients. So this selling machine that is your website, needs to be sorted into smaller details. It requires good landing/sales pages that are nice looking but also designed in a way that makes people want to buy.
Then there are the technical programs that need to be in place. You need an online payment plugin. As I love working with WordPress, I use WooCommerce to make those sales possible. You’ll need an online transfer account, like Stripe, to make sure the money lands in your bank account. Then there are the automatic email responders, for which you can use a program like Mailchimp. So you can see there are a lot of little details that make good websites for personal trainers.

Good software for online personal training websites
If you are planning on also teaching your lessons online, you need an online academy where people can view your online lessons. This is a very good idea to do when you are showing people ever-green content that isn’t necessarily connected to a step-by-step program. If this is the case, then there are plenty of software you can choose from. You can build an online academy with Learndash or Kajabi is a very popular all-in-one solution for all of your lessons.
Both of these options do also provide the option for people to easily choose their own type of lesson they would like to follow. That makes it easy for you as an online fitness instructor to place your evergreen content on there and just add to your lessons as you go. You can also place any YouTube videos you might already have on there so people can watch them without the ads.
There is also the possibility to add your workbooks and training schedules on your websites for personal trainers.
Online fitness coaches and websites for personal trainers
When you decide you are going to be an online fitness coach, there are a lot of options available when it comes to your lessons. Do you just want to give your clients a bunch of videos or are you also giving them some of your personal input? It is very well possible you would like to work with a membership. And there might even be several options for this membership.
You can have a budget version where people only watch your content and a high-end version where you have weekly meetings to support them. And have you thought about adding a dietary service?
Be clear on what you are offering. Clients are not looking for a lot of options. They would like to know what service you provide and if that service is a match for them. That is all they need to know. So giving that information to them is a clear insightful way.

Enjoy a personal trainer from home
Going over to people’s houses and giving them weekly to daily personal training in their own homes. You’ll probably work with more high-end clients. And when you are choosing this way of working, there are some things you should consider when it comes to your website. Are those people going to pay you by the hour? Or are you giving them a membership? And more importantly, how would you like them to pay you?
If in this case, you would like to be paid in cash, you might take your own cash machine with you. When you would like to have people pay you through your website, it is important to have a good payment method on your website. I prefer choosing WordPress and WooCommerce. Offering memberships is an additional function to WooCommerce and requires some extra effort to set it up properly.
But when you decide to go for the cash option, you do only need people to contact you through the website. You’ll have nothing further to do with payments on the websites for personal trainers. Which makes the website easier to build it yourself.
If you do decide you want to go with all the online options, you might consider hiring a website designer. Especially when you aren’t technical at all. Look here for more options.
How to start good websites for personal trainers?
A good domain name will allow you to grow for many years to come, so it isn’t only fitting for just this moment. Your website host should be trustworthy and be able to answer your questions quickly. So choose wisely. Once you have to build a website it is much harder to move it to another host.
I can highly recommend choosing NameHero. They provide good services and have fast websites.
Once you’ve installed WordPress, you can start building. Go for insightful sales pages and a few services to start with. Make it easy for people to see what you offer. Once someone comes on your website, it should be clear in one glance.
To build you better-looking web pages, I recommend using page builder Elementor Pro. This is easy to use and allows you to build anything you like.
Think wisely about if you would like to build your own website. If you are not tech-savvy and choose an online business, it can be good to have the website built for you.
Or you choose to go with an online course that teaches you all the ins and outs about WordPress and Elementor. Our online Build a website course even provides clear templates for you to use. Building a website has never been easier.